
Virtual Shopping in Canada?

While reading the blogs of my fellow classmates, I came across one article that particularly sparked my interest. This article was written by Demi, who introduced us to the concept of Virtual Supermarkets which was launched at Seonreung subway station in South Korea by Tesco Homeplus in early 2011.


Looking ahead in the class prep instructions, I know that we will soon be learning about the place/distribution “P” of the marketing mix. When learning about virtual shopping, my mind immediately made the connection with this “P”. Companies such as Homeplus that are investing in providing consumers with convenience of “shopping wherever they go,” are focusing on the distribution of their products. Using the appeal of simply scanning codes with people’s smartphones to have products delivered to people’s door step right after they arrive home is certainly an attractive benefit to customers. Through Tesco’s goal of “blending into consumers’ lives” and  turning their customers’ ” waiting time into shopping time,” they have become one of the top companies in the online market.

Although Demi’s link to the video of how the Tesco Homeplus virutal shop works was quite informative, I was curious to find out when I would potentially have the chance to try virtual shopping. After searching on the web, I found that Well.ca and P&G actually partnered up just this past April to bring virtual shopping to downtown Toronto. Unfortunately, the trial only occurred for a month. Hopefully we will have the opportunity to try shopping at our skytrain stations right here in Vancouver some time soon!



The Power of We: Blog Action Day

Today October 15, 2012 is Blog Action Day where almost 2,000 bloggers from 108 countries have registered to take part in celebrating The Power of We by writing a blog post about making a positive difference in the world, either for their own communities or for people they will never meet half way around the world. This celebration definitely targets the worldwide internet users market. It is also an excellent way to promote causes you support and spread the world connected by the simple hashtag #powerofwe.


I would like to dedicate my blog post to an important event coming to Vancouver October 18 (this Thursday!) : WE DAY. Since I was young I have always enjoyed volunteering and contributing to the community. Through these activities, I have definitely learned that the potential of young people is infintie. As a person who aims high in hope to motivate others to do the same, I am strongly in support of organizations who enpower young people to reach their goals, which is why WE DAY is meaningful to me!


This annual event links together two organizations centered on empowering young people, Free The Children and Me to We, “to realize their shared goal of enabling young people to make the world a better place.” We Day goes from province to province each year to put on a show that consists of talented performers and motivational speakers. This year in Vancouver, the performer and speaker list includes Demi Lovato, Desmond Tutu, Magic Johnson, Holly Branson, Justice Sinclair, Craig & Marc Kielburger, Molly Burke, OneRepublic, Robin Wiszowaty, Shawn Desman, Spencer West. In fact, there is a “We Day Dance”!

P.S. WE Day will be streamed online at 9:30 PT @ http://www.muchmusic.com/events/weday/#vacouver