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In a way that shows how much ads can affect people, 16 people, equally split into 4 groups, conducted the Madrid Street Advertising Takeover (MaSAT) as their third project of civil disobedience. This is  an ongoing project and they aim to take back space for public dialogue in a space that has been taken over […]

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As i mentioned a few posts ago, I was looking into potentially getting a new phone. Now, I mentioned that I had a slight interest in the BlackBerry, but I realized that this was only because of the BBM application. While I know that there are other similar applications, such as WhatsApp, GoogleTalk, are available, […]

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March Madness

I always like it when brands are able to keep up with current trend and current events and incorporate it into their promotional campaigns. One such example is Dove and their current & March madness campaign. In light of the NCAA Basketball Tournament “March Madness”, Dove has decided to feature basketball stars such as Magic […]

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Recently, I found this video floating around YouTube and think it’s pretty genius. Take a look at the Amazon Kindle commercial: How creative!! It sucks you in right from the start and it’s just so cute that it’s a video that you won’t get tired of.  As I watched it, I was like.. WHOA! Look […]

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In BrandChannel’s blogpost  World Water Day Highlights Japan’s Ongoing Challenge, it speaks about marketers rising up to bring attention to issues related to the current world issues. I find it pretty cool that in times of world crises/global issues, many different marketers that are usually competitors with one another, can all work towards the same […]

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Fear in advertising?

As I was reading Avi Woodluck’s post, Creativity in Advertising, I found myself ooh-ing and aah-ing over the few ads that he had drawn attention to. That got me thinking about the ones that don’t make us go ooh, but the ones that shock us or make us gasp in horror. ( I apologize in […]

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Being an OPI lover myself, I was inspired to write about this amazing brand after reading Samantha Wong’s post “Why Oh Why Do We Love OPI?!“. Recently, they have come up with a new nail polish called “Black Shatter” as part of not one, but TWO of their new collections: the Serena Williams “Glam Slam” […]

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BlackBerry time?

Recently, I’ve been thinking about changing my phone and updating my phone to a BlackBerry. Currently I hold an LG Vu: or To be honest, I’ve always been a strong advocate for not having a BlackBerry (for myself, I’m not against other people having it). I feel that it’s slightly unnecessary at this point in […]

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The topic of drugs has always lingered over the heads of individuals in our society. It’s a frequent topic in the news ,  a visible presence when you enter certain areas in our city, ads are all around us – may it be print ads or TV ads.  Here’s an ad that caught my attention: […]

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I’t’s been said that a girl can never have too many bags. In fact, it’s one of my favorite accessories to shop for, which brings me to one brand which has established itself on the basis of one very current social trend: being eco-friendly. This company is Matt & Nat, which was founded in 1995 […]

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