Moderator: Layali Rashid
- January 12
- Open vs. Closed: A Cautionary Tale.
- B. Schroeder, A. Wierman and M. Harchol-Balter
- NSDI 2006
- Open vs. Closed: A Cautionary Tale.
- January 19
- Debojit Dhar — MASc Presentation (dry run)
- On Energy-Efficient Data Gathering in Sensor Networks.
- Chain Replication for Supporting High Throughput and Availability.
- R. van Renesse and F.B. Schneider
- OSDI 2004
- Debojit Dhar — MASc Presentation (dry run)
- January 26
- The Utility Coprocessor: Massively Parallel Computation from the Coffee Shop.
- J.R. Douceur, J. Elson, J. Howell and J.R. Lorch
- The Utility Coprocessor: Massively Parallel Computation from the Coffee Shop.
- February 2
- Pregel: a System for Large-Scale Graph processing.
- G. Malewicz, M.H. Austern, A.J. C. Bik, J.C. Dehnert, I. Horn, N. Leiser and G. Czajkowski
- PODC 2009
- Pregel: a System for Large-Scale Graph processing.
- February 9
- Producing Wrong DataWithout Doing Anything Obviously Wrong!
- T. Mytkowicz, A. Diwan, M. Hauswirth and P.F. Sweeney
- ASPLOS 2009
- Producing Wrong DataWithout Doing Anything Obviously Wrong!
- February 16
- Reading Week Break
- February 23
- Crowdsourcing Service-Level Network Event Monitoring.
- D.R. Choffnes, F.E. Bustamante and Z. Ge
- SIGCOMM 2010
- Crowdsourcing Service-Level Network Event Monitoring.
- March 2
- BotGraph: Large Scale Spamming Botnet Detection.
- Y. Zhao, Y. Xie, F. Yu, Q. Ke, Y. Yu, Y. Chen and E. Gillum
- NSDI 2009
- BotGraph: Large Scale Spamming Botnet Detection.
- March 9
- The Anatomy of a Large Scale Social Search Engine.
- D. Horowitz and S.D. Kamvar
- WWW 2010
- The Anatomy of a Large Scale Social Search Engine.
- March 16
- Improving Software Diagnosability via Log Enhancement.
- D. Yuan, J. Zheng, S. Park, Y. Zhou and S. Savage
- ASPLOS 2011
- Improving Software Diagnosability via Log Enhancement.
- March 23
- Piccolo: Building Fast, Distributed Programs with Partitioned Tables.
- R. Power and J. Li
- OSDI 2010
- Piccolo: Building Fast, Distributed Programs with Partitioned Tables.
- March 30
- CHARM++: a Portable Concurrent Object Oriented System Based on C++.
- L. V. Kale and S. Krishnan
- OOPSLA 1993
- CHARM++: a Portable Concurrent Object Oriented System Based on C++.
- April 6
- End-to-end arguments in system design.
- TOCS 1984
- Rethinking the design of the Internet: the end-to-end arguments vs. the brave new world.
- TOIT 2001
- Maliha will lead the discussion.
- End-to-end arguments in system design.
- April 13
- Break
- April 20
- Operating System Interfaces: Bridging the Gap Between CPU and FPGA Accelerators.
- International Symposium on FPGAs, 2007
- Theepan will lead the discussion.
- Operating System Interfaces: Bridging the Gap Between CPU and FPGA Accelerators.
- April 27
- Abdullah Gharaibeh — PhD Candidacy Exam (dry run)
- The Little Engine(s) That Could: Scaling Online Social Networks.
- SIGCOMM 2010
- Lauro will lead the discussion.
- May 4
- Complete System Power Estimation using Processor Performance Events.
- IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2011
- Looking Back on the Language and Hardware Revolutions:Measured Power, Performance, and Scaling.
- ASPLOS 2011
- Emalayan will lead the discussion.
- Complete System Power Estimation using Processor Performance Events.