Early Behavior Design (Sean, Week 3)

Building on the wood block model I created last week, I attached a series of Arduino controlled servos to the ears. Ear ear is has two attached servos: one controlling left/right rotation, and one controlling forward/backward motion. With this mechanism in place, I started to design a few simple behaviors to see how effectively my current system could communicate them.


I was fairly happy with the mechanism and the range of emotion it allowed me for designing behaviors. I wanted to spend more time working on behavior creation, but given that this was still a fairly low fidelity prototype, I decided to work on the actual body as a next stage.

This prototype body was created in Solidworks and 3D by my supervisor just to introduce me to 3D modelling. This body has no space for the inclusion of servos or ear attachment, but was really just a way for my supervisor to help introduce me to 3D modelling. Next week will most likely be spent in Solidworks, creating a better body.

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