Final Body Design (Sean, Week 7-8)

For these two weeks, I’ve been working on incorporating the servos directly into the body of my robot. The servos will fit inside the larger rounded end of the body and control the ears through strings running through channels to the surface of the body. I started by quickly creating a model of the rear structure of the body to make sure that I leave enough space to accommodate the servos.

Based on this model’s measurements, I’m planning on creating an internal box that will hold the servos in place. The future body will have the bottom face of the body missing to allow me to put the servos in. Time and Solidworks abilities permitting, I will try to create a bottom that I can attach to the body which will make the body robust enough to be carried rather than only resting on the table.

Outside of body design, I’m starting to think about ways to redesign the ears to make them more robust, since the current version relies on barbecue skewers for attachment.

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