Spinal Movement Low-Fi Prototype A

First step that I took was to create a mood board of spinal images/designs that inspired me:

I then drew out some sketches of what some spinal movements could look like, focusing on prototype A to follow through on today:

I then quickly created a low-fi prototype of what this could look like in a physical form using tape, plastic sheeting, and some joint connectors made via mecho parts:

I used some string running through each part to guide the horizontal rotation around the joints (using a single fastener at only the top of the prototype).



In order to get the type of fine-tuned motion this prototype needs to be adapted so that EACH “vertebrae” is capable of moving independent of the other. This could be accomplished by having a thread fixture at each of the vertebrae instead of only having one fixture at the top and then looping said thread through all of the lower vertebrae. Also there needs to be some mechanism that restores the original spacing between each of the vertebrae. I believe this can be accomplished via springs and/or sponges.

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