
Waiting for a kidney or 3D Bioprinting?

In January of this year, China used 3D printing for a bridge construction where people can walk through as the picture below. 3D printing becomes popular, applying in varieties of objects, small daily objects and even large materials. However, what else we can use 3D printing for? Could 3D-printing apply in a medical field?

3D Printing Bridge in China 2019

Traditionally, kidney diseases are demanding kidneys for saving human lives, as scientists stated that more than 100,000 adults and 1500 children waiting for lived kidney by 2014, as the following picture states, the number of patients is still increasing. However, not to surprise, the number of kidney donors cannot support the needs of kidney patients, only 30 % of patients might get a chance for transplants and around 10 % of patients died during the waiting time, shown right below the picture.

An increasing number of kidney patients

Three‐year outcomes for adults waiting for a kidney transplant in 2011 (DD, deceased donor; LD, living donor)

As reported by Japanese researchers, organ acceptors can perform transplants only after their health conditions match the organ donors, such as blood type. The limitation of organ transplants makes it more difficult for kidney patients. But, what if we can make a kidney by 3D bioprinting?

Currently, lots of experiments are seeking the potential possibility of organ bioprinting. 3D bioprinting can cure kidney disease easier comparing to waiting for kidney donors. In 2011, Dr. Altia successfully used engineered bladders (key parts of a kidney) via bioprinting to save a boy called Luke Massella 10 years ago. In a TED show, Dr. Altia’s group produces a whole human kidney by bioprinting in only 40 minutes. This bioprinting technique can fulfill the needs of kidneys.

TED Talk, printing a human kidney

In the next few years, kidney patients will not require to wait for the matched kidney donors for transplants and bioprinting-kidneys will help them get a healthy life.

Posted in Health

Tagged Bioprint, kidney


Solve Plastic Pollution by Starting Using Rice Straws

Can you image yourself eating plastic but you cannot digest it and suffer from the plastic? You probably say yes and think that this situation will never happen in your life. However, plastic is currently damaging the marine animals and birds’  lives. You might have seen an image of a dead bird with full of small plastic in its stomach.






Plastic pollution is becoming serious these years, especially plastics in small sizes. Scientists estimated that plastic debris will reach around 250 million into the ocean and the debris is destroying the marine environment and marine lives, such as sea turtles and seagulls. Animals take the plastics as food by accident and die from not digesting them.

Plastic straws as a part of plastic pollution, in the last 50 years, they are popular in lives. people commonly drink Coca Cola or iced coffee with plastic straws. To reduce the usage of plastic, Vancouver will ban plastic straws at the beginning of 2020, is anything alternative to plastic straws?

Yes. Rice straws, made from rice and tapioca powder, can be alternative to plastic straws. As the company’s CEO Kim mentioned that the straws as 100% biodegradable product can be decomposed in 100 days compared to plastic straws decomposing around 1500 years. People can spend only 0.03$ on each rice straw and the price will be cheaper as stated by Kim.

Rice straws are eco-friendly alternatives to replace the plastic ones. As one of the advantages,  people can enjoy beverages with rice straws and even eat them after using them. Currently, many restaurants apply rice straws and the new straws are sold in Canada. Next time, when you want to drink cola, try to use rice straws.

Posted in Environment

Tagged: plastic recycling, straws