Thought 2: Desirability, Storytelling, and Loss

Hi Everyone,

For our first week of literature, in Mama Blanca’s Memoirs, I discuss the themes of desirability (localized in the discussion of straight vs. curly hair), the magic of storytelling (found in the moments between Mama and Blanca Nieves), and the understanding of loss (comparing the death of Little Rain Cloud – the cow – to human loss).

Question for this week: Why do you think Violeta is unable to connect with the magic of storytelling, compared to her sister, Blanca Nieves? Is storytelling a silly activity to bide one’s time, or is there something more profound within it? Let me know what you think, and give some examples from the text.

See you Tuesday, everyone!

4 thoughts on “Thought 2: Desirability, Storytelling, and Loss

  1. Hi Curtis,
    This is so cool that you made a video blog! I love that. I agree about the importance of the comparison between straight and curly hair in the novel. That also stuck out to me and I discussed that point further in my blog post. Just the importance that is placed on European beauty standards is really interesting. I’ll also be in class on Tuesday so I’m looking forward to discussing it with you further!

  2. Curtis, this is indeed great, but one quick note… at times you seem to suggest that Mama Blanca and Blanca Nieves are different people, but they are in fact the same person… Blanca Nieves is the name she goes by when she is young (though she tells us from the start that it’s a very inappropriate name, as she is not fair-haired at all, to continue with the hair theme), and Mama Blanca is the name she takes on as she is older. Her mother, on the other hand, never has a name (unless I missed it…), which is interesting in itself.

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