Thought 13: Beautiful Style and Narrative, But What’s the Message?

Hi all,

This week I discuss Fever Dream. I focus on the style of writing, the narrator’s perspective, a reflection on her memories, the absence of chapters, and also the content of the book itself.

Question: What was some content of the story that you took away from this? Why do you think this book was written? Was there an objective (socially?) in mind?

Take care,

Curtis HR

One thought on “Thought 13: Beautiful Style and Narrative, But What’s the Message?

  1. Thanks for your comment Curtis. We have a chapter 1, and as you say the narrative continues without stopping. It’s funny now that you mention it, because it makes me think that it’s a part of a bigger story, as if we barely have access to something whose dimensions we can’t even decipher. Somehow, Borges slips through here. Especially because of the question you ask yourself about souls: it is possible to divide a soul and make it inhabit another body. It is a theological question that raises a lot of questions in fiction. But we return to the most material: what happens with the bodies? What relationships do we have with nature and others from that specific point?

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