Thought 14: Well, Here We Are…

Hi everyone, I conclude my vlogs with a little reflection, definitely a little rambling but that never hurt nobody. Some fitting music: Question: What did you take away from your favourite – or least favourite – book? What affected you personally? Hasta luego mis amigos, Curtis HR  

Thought 13: Beautiful Style and Narrative, But What’s the Message?

Hi all, This week I discuss Fever Dream. I focus on the style of writing, the narrator’s perspective, a reflection on her memories, the absence of chapters, and also the content of the book itself. Question: What was some content of the story that you took away from this? Why do you think this book …

Thought 10: The Struggle of Integration

Hi all, This week I discuss the book I, Rigoberta Menchu, and mainly focus on her struggle between Christianity/Catholicism and Maya-Quiche spirituality. I draw on Inca Garcilaso de la Vega for inspiration! Also, we discuss the theatrics in the story of ‘explicit not-sharing’.   *THE WORD IS TESTIMONIO! Of course… haha Question: How does one …

Thought 2: Desirability, Storytelling, and Loss

Hi Everyone, For our first week of literature, in Mama Blanca’s Memoirs, I discuss the themes of desirability (localized in the discussion of straight vs. curly hair), the magic of storytelling (found in the moments between Mama and Blanca Nieves), and the understanding of loss (comparing the death of Little Rain Cloud – the cow …