Thought 13: Beautiful Style and Narrative, But What’s the Message?

Hi all, This week I discuss Fever Dream. I focus on the style of writing, the narrator’s perspective, a reflection on her memories, the absence of chapters, and also the content of the book itself. Question: What was some content of the story that you took away from this? Why do you think this book …

Thought 12: The Wonders of the Mind (Projection and Fantasy)

Hi all, This week I discuss Papi, mainly focusing on psychological projection, fantasy, what is real, and the role of dullness in life. Question: Is there a marked ‘truth’ to this story? Where does fact stop and fiction begin? Or rather, how should we read this book – as a fantasy-driven metaphor about a child’s …

Thought 3: The Underdogs of “The Underdogs”

Hi Everyone, This week I wanted to talk about some characters in The Underdogs, mainly Demetrio, Blondie, Luis Cervantes, and Solis. Some themes are destruction, chaos, psychology, passion, education, and philosophy. Hope you enjoy! Question: Why do you think Demetrio is unable to break from the ‘revolutionary bandit’ lifestyle? Are there any clues to this …