Ford Conquering

Ford is currently America’s second largest car manufacture but in light of recent events, they are going for number one. In the next three years they are hoping to manufacture up to 8 million vehicles worldwide increasing their sales and revenue by a tremendous amount under Chief Executive Alan Mulally‘s unified manufacturing strategy. Ford is also constructing over 15 factories worldwide in areas such as China and India and converting ninety percent of all their workshops to be three shifts (24 hours). I believe Ford is very likely to climb the charts in the next few years as they are undergoing massive growth with support of a very qualified executive, Mulally who has also been elected to be Microsoft’s next CEO. Ford increasing their long term assets and their liabilities – increased labour and variable costs – shows that they are, too, confident with their business strategy. However the most defining variable for Ford is the new 3D printing technology for prototype parts, this decreases the average manufacturing time from six months to only three days! The company did not disclose the specific cost savings but said it was very significant. This technology will save tremendous amounts of liquid assets and shown in class, an increase in revenue in the upcoming years along with the decrease in overall costs will give rise to the large net income received by Ford.

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