
The study area for all analyses was the City of Vancouver; suburbs were not included.  All socio-economic data was acquired at the dissemination level from Statistics Canada as part of the National Household Survey of 2011.  Skytrain data was obtained from the City of Vancouver.  Centroids were derived from the dissemination areas which were then used to calculate the distance to the nearest Skytrain station.  A total of 8 independent variables were used and inputted into an exploratory regression analysis, including the nearest distance measure.  The details are listed below.

Description Variable Mean Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum
Dependent Variable
Median Value of Dwellings (includes value of land and dwelling, in $) VALUE 847,815.16 554,832.35 31.12 4,004,171.00
Independent Variables
Average number of rooms per dwelling (includes kitchens, bedrooms, and finished rooms in basement and attic) ROOMS 5.39 1.77 1.50 11.10
Median total income, 15 years and over, in 2010, in $ INCOME 28,661.62 10,900.83 0.00 74,546.00
East or west side (dummy variable using Main Street; East = 1) EAST 0.49 0.50 0.00 1.00
Proportion major repairs needed on dwelling REPAIRS 0.06 0.08 0.00 0.54
Distance to nearest Skytrain station (metres) NEAR_DIST 1,902.39 1,597.72 31.12 9,655.32
Proportion constructed from 2001-2011 NEWCONST 0.08 0.15 0.00 0.99
Proportion part of a condominium development CONDO 0.21 0.29 0.00 1.06
Proportion of pop. with postsecondary certificate, diploma, or degree EDUC 0.62 0.15 0.00 0.98

For the exploratory regression analysis, I decided to set a maximum of five explanatory variables; I realized if I were to include any more variables, the results would not necessarily get better.  Here are the results with the associated R2 and AICc scores:

Top results, 1 variable
AdjR2 AICc VIF Model
0.62 28469.07 1.00 +ROOMS***
0.16 29270.16 1.00 +NEAR_DIST***
0.13 29298.74 1.00 -CONDO***
Top results, 2 variables
AdjR2 AICc VIF Model
0.72 28150.46 1.00 -EAST***  +ROOMS***
0.68 28303.83 1.02 +EDUC***  +ROOMS***
0.65 28400.96 1.11 +NEAR_DIST***  +ROOMS***
Top results, 3 variables
AdjR2 AICc VIF Model
0.73 28131.27 1.19 +NEAR_DIST***  -EAST***  +ROOMS***
0.73 28145.16 1.55 -CONDO***  -EAST***  +ROOMS***
0.72 28148.40 1.86 +EDUC**  -EAST***  +ROOMS***
Top results, 4 variables
AdjR2 AICc VIF Model
0.73 28127.01 1.55 -CONDO***  +NEAR_DIST***  -EAST***  +ROOMS***
0.73 28130.73 1.19 -NEWCONST*  +NEAR_DIST***  -EAST***  +ROOMS***
0.73 28130.87 1.89 +EDUC  +NEAR_DIST***  -EAST***  +ROOMS***
Top results, 5 variables
AdjR2 AICc VIF Model
0.73 28124.54 1.97 +EDUC**  -CONDO***  +NEAR_DIST***  -EAST***  +ROOMS***
0.73 28126.50 1.65 -CONDO***  +NEAR_DIST***  -EAST***  +INCOME  +ROOMS***
0.73 28128.69 1.91 -CONDO**  -NEWCONST  +NEAR_DIST***  -EAST***  +ROOMS***

I then proceeded to use the best model as determined by exploratory regression (5 variables) which included EDUC, CONDO, NEAR_DIST, EAST, and ROOMS.  For the results of the actual regression, continue onto the Results & Analysis section.

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