Pay-per-click Campagins

A survey was conducted by Ascend2 regarding pay-per-click (PPC) advertising process. It is interesting to find that 54% of people named lead generation as #1 most important objective of their PPC strategy.

Lead Generation

Methods for generating leads include non-paid sources such as organic search engine, which results in referrals and brand advocates. Paid sources which include  paid media and owned media, such as advertising through print, digital and website. In order to increase lead generation, business wants to increase quality leads, needs to assess customers’ interest, and communicates brand effectively to customers.

Decision-making models: conversion

46% of respondents named  increase rate of conversion as the second most important objectives for PPC strategies. This draws back to our class discussion about consumer decision-making models. The traiditonal model is where consumers only considers about the product. However, the magican hat model focuses on customers that are more likely to convert. By further defining the target market, they reduce the amount of costs allocated inefficiently to audiences that are unlikely to convert. Yet, the pitfall is the huge difficulties in segmenting the market.

Check out what eMarketer has to say about this,


Crystal Liang 🙂

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