When I attended my very first We Day in October 2010, I was completely blown away about the extent to which poverty, especially amongst children in third world countries, still exists in our world today. After hearing all the speakers’ and musicians’ words of encouragement on how youth can be the change – I set out back to my high school to found the first Free the Children club at Burnaby North Secondary. Throughout the years, I came to be familiar about everything to do with Free the Children, including its social enterprise, Me to We.

A social enterprise is a company that hopes to make profit, but one which is rooted with a social cause. In Me to We’s case, they aim to make a positive social and environmental impact through the sale of sweatshop free clothing, Me to We Artisans accessories that provides fair wage to women in developing countries, life-changing Me to We trips overseas, Me to We Books, Me to We inspirational speakers, and the list goes on. After learning more in depth about what a social enterprise entails, it is certain that a social enterprise is something that I am passionate in and look forward to learning more about.


Site: http://www.metowe.com/about-us/our-organization/social-enterprise-an-innovative-new-model/



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