Google “Eat” Motorola

Motorola was bought by Google on August 15th 2011. Many people neither do nor understand why Motorola accepts to be purchased by Google, since it is not facing a break out or even a huge decreasing in stock.

Motorola was the most successful mobile producers in many years ago. After many strong competitors enter the market, such as Nokia, Apple, Samsung and so on, it lost its position in the market, and never got it back. Since Google is a huge famous internet company, this corporation is beneficial both for Motorola and Google.

During this acquisition Google is focused on the patents that hold by Motorola, which will be more convenient to do innovation after buying it. Motorola can also benefit from working with internet company which may improve the software in the mobile, and be able to be more competitive in the market with the other big competitors especially Apple.

After buying Motorola the CEO of Google announced that, Motorola will run independently form Google, this action only means changing in boss, but no other actual effects inside the company.


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