Starbucks Thinking

 After reading Elva’s blog, i have few comments to say.

First of all, as we all know Strabucks is already a very successful company, why do they still bothering to do such things. The reason is the a brand need innovation. If a company does not change their products or the services they have this company will be substituted by other competitors very soon. Second, the different cups also bring the brand specialization and reorganization. Once someone is using the red cup to drink coffee, the other might ask which coffee they bought, thus attract more consumers for Starbucks.

Starbucks is a successful coffee company, but it still faces a lot of competition. Since it aims the world market it will have different competitors in different countries which make the entire company needs higher variety of drinks to different markets, and also high quality of coffee to be accepted by all the people around the world.

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