Email messages to prospective writing team partners

Email 1:

Hi Jessica,

I’m writing to see if you are interested in forming a team for our English 301 class this semester.
Like you, I’m also part of the BCS program, have a previous BA and spent several years working before heading back to school. More specifically, I was a magazine editor for 15 years so I hope this experience will translate into success in this course. 🙂 I’ve also had productive and pleasant experiences teaming up with fellow BCS students in the past.
Please check out my blog site here: and let me know if you have any questions. I’ve also attached my application letter to this email.

Dale Miller

Email 2:

Hi Harvey,
I’m writing to see if you are interested in forming a team for our English 301 class this semester.
Like you, I’m also part of the BCS program. I have a previous degree in Political Science and spent 15 years as a magazine editor before heading back to school, so I hope this experience will translate into success in this course. 🙂
I’ve had productive and pleasant experiences teaming up with fellow BCS students in the past, and notice there are at least three of us registered in this course. Perhaps it makes sense to form a team.
Please check out my blog site here: and let me know if you have any questions. I’ve also attached my application letter to this email.

Dale Miller

Email 3:

Hi Nicole,
I’m writing to see if you are interested in forming a team for our English 301 class this semester.
Like you, I’m also part of the BCS program. I have a previous degree in Political Science and spent 15 years as a magazine editor before heading back to school, so I hope this experience will translate into success in this course. 🙂
I’ve had productive and pleasant experiences teaming up with fellow BCS students in the past, and notice there are a few of us registered in this course. Perhaps it makes sense to form a team.
Please check out my blog site here: and let me know if you have any questions. I’ve also attached my application letter to this email.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Dale Miller

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