Creating a Web Folio

Unit 4.3 of ENGL 301 entailed the creation of a Web Folio and highlighted the importance of increasing visibility and presence online. This allowed me to review past works I have completed throughout the course and encouraged me to self-edit and revise some of the assignments. By doing so, I was able to apply the overall skills I’ve learned in this course. For example, in the definitions assignment peer review, I revised my feedback to follow the You-Attitude writing and changed imperative verbs  “-ing” verbs to be more concise and professional; I also made sure to stay in the present tense to improve my tone. Since I wasn’t able to fully incorporate the You-Attitude in some of the articles written at the beginning of the course, this was a chance to demonstrate this technique.

One thing I learned in the process of creating a Web Folio was the importance of what works I present and how I present them. Since my website caters to my professional goals in the marketing field, I designed pages with texts that highlight my marketable skills relevant to content strategy and UX writing; I want to provide potential employers a glimpse of my technical writing, communication, and design skills by making the reader’s experience as engaging and easy as possible. Incorporating a design that both highlights my relevant skills to my career choice and remains visually appealing throughout was a new and enjoyable process as I did not anticipate designing a webpage before enrolling in this course.

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