Here is a collection of all my best works completed for ENGL 301:

Definitions Assignment:

This assignment aimed to distinguish the varying levels of detail found in different definitions. I chose to explain the term romanticism to nontechnical readers by providing three different definitions: (1) a parenthetical definition, (2) a sentence definition, and (3) an expanded definition. The reading situation entails an English Literature student explaining the different literary movements that originated in Europe to their science-oriented friend.

Formal Report:

The formal report project was a major component of ENGL 301 and it was approached methodically through different stages. The objective of this assignment was to prepare and present a document regarding a topic based on a recent volunteer, community, or workplace experience; the topic needed to be one that would lend itself to the problem and solution pattern of typical report writing while maintaining a positive tone for the intended reader.

For my formal report, I chose to explore the ongoing staffing shortages affecting businesses in British Columbia with specific relation to the negative repercussions that are reflected upon employees at a local coffee shop in Port Coquitlam, BC.

Business Letters:

This assignment entailed writing business letters and it was composed of two parts:

      1.  The first involved writing a letter of complaint regarding an error, rude service, or poor quality product that we purchased.
      2.  In response to this letter, the second task was to write a letter of refusal that delivered bad news about their concern to the reader.

The aim was to learn how to express a concern or complaint in a professional manner to ensure it received a response. It was an interesting writing experience as I had to write as both the customer and the head of the customer service department.




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