supplier issues of Walmart

In May 2010, Walmart’s U.S. stores pulled its “Miley Cyrus” line of necklaces and bracelets, three months after the Associated Press informed the chain that the jewelry contained harmful amounts of the toxic metal cadmium. Long-term exposure to cadmium can lead to bone softening and kidney failure. It is also a known carcinogen, and research suggests that it can affect brain development in the very young. Cadmium in jewelry is not known to be dangerous if the items are simply worn, but concerns come when youngsters bite or suck on the jewelry, as many children do. Walmart said that while the jewelry is not intended for children, “it is possible that a few younger consumers may seek it out in stores.” “We are removing all of the jewelry from sale while we investigate its compliance with our children’s jewelry standard,” Walmart said.


-The stakeholder in this case are labour unions, community groups, grassroots organizations and Wal-Mart customers.

-For this situation, i think

for labour unions,they should correct their judgement of values not only for making money ;

for community groups,they should make a rule of business activities and obey the business ethic

for grassroots organizations, they should supervise their commodity flow

for Walmart customers,they should protect their rights and make a judgement of things that they want to buy

-I recommend that the Walmart should apologize to customers first and give support to sufferers. Then they have to do survey to find out why this happened. So they can know what they should do to  adjust  their products to be accepted to customers better.