Does BlackBerry have a future?

This article is talking about the BlackBerry failed to win the smartphone wars.  The company has struggled to compete against Apple and Samsung the smartphone market.

BlackBerry  smartphones are faced mainly to business customers.  They are kind of lack of understanding of markets and they didn’t analysis the marketing really well. So BlackBerry has less market share than Apple and Samsung nowadays.

They do transition to survive BlackBerry, but it is failed.

BlackBerry has finally taken the wraps of its BlackBerry 10 enabled smartphones Z10 and Q10. Z10 is a 4.2 inch touch-screen phone, and Q10 has a qwerty keyboard. BlackBerry is betting that Z10 and Q10 will help the company capture a market dominated by Samsung and Apple.  But blackberry’s market share also not tend to be good.

Personally I think that the blackberry should change their transition way. Although they launched new product, they didn’t think about the marketing. They still face to European countries as they did before but not tend to explore the new marketing. As a Chinese I have to say that a large number of  Chinese prefer blackberry to apple . If the blackberry Q10 and Z10 launched in china earlier than the iphone5s and 5c ,  I bet that most people would choose to buy blackberry but not iphone. Then the blackberry would have  a  big marketing than before and high profit. Then the company can use the revenue to develop some new  domains.

Finally ,the most important reason why they failed the marketing is their lack of understanding of the market. The market is driven by customers’ personal phone preferences, and the team should know better about the customers’ mentality.

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