Twitter dominates action in busy U.S. options market


Twitter is a typical BUSINESS combined INTERNET example we analyzed on class.

Twitter provide a convenient place for people to  contact with each other. This is a new lifestyle for us. The company owns a large market share in U.S.

The earn money by cooperating with the firms and doing advertisement for them on the twitter website. As  a socializing website, it has a large number of visitors everyday. So this is a good place for the companies to do advertising on their web.

The twitter team develop their web by knowing SWOT well. They get informations of their weakness by customers’ feedback on the twitter. This is a good and convenient way to know what they are doing well and what should they improvement in the next step. The information provided by users can be trustful and reliable.

Facebook can be the biggest competitor with Twitter. Personally, I think twitter should find their common sector and differences with Facebook. And then try to make a difference and meet what users really want. Such as offering worldwide service but not only in NorthAmerica and European countries. They can try to access to Asian countries to win more market share.

The company meet what customers want can have a good development in long-term period. I think twitter does very well by doing business with internet. And this may be the biggest reason why twitter can competite with Facebook and dominates action in busy U.S marketing.


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