Should the NFL Expand?

The NFL is already very profitable, but NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is looking for it to become even more. He is considering an expansion in to European countries.

Every year a few teams take the journey to Europe to play a friendly against another NFL team. The events are extremely popular with sell out crowds. The Commissioner hopes to have more games and create  permanent franchise there.

If the NFL does expand to Europe:

1)  United States fans will find it harder to follow their favourite team when playing in Europe due to the time difference.

2) Teams cost of travel will increase if they travel to England during the season multiple times.

3) If a franchise is set up in Europe, that team will have to travel to the United States every second week (most likely). Making it hard for European fans to follow games.

4) Europe already has soccer as its major sport and American football has no chance of debunking that.

This plan is a poor one, and the costs would greatly outweigh any benefit. It would make much more sense to base a NFL team out of Canada instead of Europe.

Article used:

Can Businesses Avoid the Enviormental Crisis?

Going green, reducing footprints and being eco-friendly are all terms that are becoming more and more common in the world of business. Most companies feel in order to survive they must adapt to the trend of becoming a earth friendly business. Starbucks, Ford, and Subway have all adapted  their business models to accommodate this popular issue.

With all this movement it must be asked, are businesses going to have to permanently change in order to survive? Or, can this just be waited out instead of modifying a companies business model?

I personally believe that as this eco trend becomes more and more common, less and less people will actually acknowledge the steps companies are taking to be eco-friendly many will just assume that most have made the switch. While this may not be true if a company is constantly exposed as severely harming the environment.

I have never been a true believer in the global environmental problem that so many are claiming as a crisis. The effects we have on the world is far less than many global warming activists claim. Yet I still feel that going green is beneficial, just not as much as some think.


Risk In Africa

In Alex Mascott’s post, Taking Africa by Alcohol, he discusses Johnnie Walker’s decision to move to Africa. He showed the labeling system for quality from red, being the lowest, to blue, and than King George V at the top. What surprised me is that he did not consider the ethical portion of marketing in Africa. Though Johnnie Walker is making it’s red label affordable for lower class citizens, the real target is criminalized groups and people of wealth.

I feel as though Johnnie Walker might become the official alcohol of the criminal and rebel gangs in Africa. Now that has a certain appeal to some people but in the large picture, most will think negatively of label.

This expansion could lead to a decrease in sales of Johnnie Walker else where in the world as some don’t want to have any association to criminal gangs. The main target, wealthy citizens who afford the top of the line Scotchs,  won’t  want to  drink the same alcohol as criminals in Africa.

Johnnie Walker should carefully consider its expansion; debate the ethical issues and  weigh the profit expectation to the cost they may succumb too due to this ethical choice.



Getting the jump-start on the IT field

Yesterday in Commerce we had a special guest speaker, Andrew Burton-Jones. He told our class about the IT field in business and how being efficient with technology in your business can boost it to the sky.

It’s only a matter of time before all businesses becomes infused with technology which poses the question, when will the computer-geeks take over the business men/women of the world?

With technology advancing, business people will adapt. More and more business students are taking IT courses. Students are utilizing a new program starting at UBC called BUCS. BUCS gives students an opportunity to major in both Business and Computer Science. I feel this is one of the most valuable programs available at UBC. With the knowledge of business and the ability to combine computer science, future entrepreneurs will have endless possibilities.

So to answer the question, businessmen and businesswomen will never be replaced by computer-geeks but infact will become one themselves. In order to survive in business one must have the ability to use all resources present, including knowledge of other fields.



Have no fear LoJack is here!

In this past week I’ve seen numerous things stolen, my friends bikes, my bike and even my floor mates laptop. Whats most shocking is the fact that his laptop was in his LOCKED room. The intruder came in through the window and snatched the laptop and took off. Laptop’s contents are often more valuable then the piece of technology itself. A software company has picked up on this developing trend and have posed a solution or at least an aid for technology owners. 

LoJack, a company directed towards security of automobiles has now expanded into the security and recovery of laptops and desktops. The software can locate, lock and delete sensitive files, while alerting the recovery-center at LoJack who will track your laptop down for you. Many company’s have even started integrating their systems with LoJack including Acer, Dell, and Gateway. LoJack itself is very hard to remove as  it is imprinted on BIOS chip. A thief could go as far as to replace the hard-drive and LoJack would still work.

So if you’re worried about the increase in thefts don’t fear just install LoJack.