Can Businesses Avoid the Enviormental Crisis?

Going green, reducing footprints and being eco-friendly are all terms that are becoming more and more common in the world of business. Most companies feel in order to survive they must adapt to the trend of becoming a earth friendly business. Starbucks, Ford, and Subway have all adapted  their business models to accommodate this popular issue.

With all this movement it must be asked, are businesses going to have to permanently change in order to survive? Or, can this just be waited out instead of modifying a companies business model?

I personally believe that as this eco trend becomes more and more common, less and less people will actually acknowledge the steps companies are taking to be eco-friendly many will just assume that most have made the switch. While this may not be true if a company is constantly exposed as severely harming the environment.

I have never been a true believer in the global environmental problem that so many are claiming as a crisis. The effects we have on the world is far less than many global warming activists claim. Yet I still feel that going green is beneficial, just not as much as some think.


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