Should the NFL Expand?

The NFL is already very profitable, but NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is looking for it to become even more. He is considering an expansion in to European countries.

Every year a few teams take the journey to Europe to play a friendly against another NFL team. The events are extremely popular with sell out crowds. The Commissioner hopes to have more games and create  permanent franchise there.

If the NFL does expand to Europe:

1)  United States fans will find it harder to follow their favourite team when playing in Europe due to the time difference.

2) Teams cost of travel will increase if they travel to England during the season multiple times.

3) If a franchise is set up in Europe, that team will have to travel to the United States every second week (most likely). Making it hard for European fans to follow games.

4) Europe already has soccer as its major sport and American football has no chance of debunking that.

This plan is a poor one, and the costs would greatly outweigh any benefit. It would make much more sense to base a NFL team out of Canada instead of Europe.

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