So You’re Canadian Eh?


Be proud Canada!  Molson, a Canadian brewer, has set-up red refrigerators all around Europe that only open when a Canadian passport is stuck into an electronic reader in the fridge door.  When open, the lucky traveller can enjoy free beer.


These red refrigerators are an excellent marketing feat by Molson.  Although Molson is one of Canada’s most iconic beer brands, it is not as well-established elsewhere in the world.  This idea allows them to expose their brand to the European market, whilst also gaining favor with their main consumers, the Canadians.  By rewarding Canadians with free beer, Molson is repositioning itself in Canadian consumers’ minds as the leading beer brand in the country, who is genuinely proud to be based in Canada and a part of it’s rich, beautiful heritage.  They are strengthening their brand name by giving it a nationalistic character and they are creating a relationship with their consumers by highlighting the pride in being from Canada.


If you visit Europe and you own a Canadian passport, keep an eye out for one of these bright red refrigerators.  You will not only prove that you are a true Canadian (not one of those fake travellers who sport the Canadian flag on their backpacks and boast that “they’re from Canada”), but you will also score some free beer! Cheers to the true north, strong and free!


