David’s Forceful Blow: What’s Your SnapChat?


Rejecting the powerful social media company, Facebook, is unheard of…unless you’re Snapchat.  I recently read Jennifer Zhen’s blog, “Snapchat on Facebook’s Wishlist,” and I strongly agreed with her opinions on the topic, and was therefore inspired to publish my own reasons for why I also believe that Snapchat should remain a separate entity.  Snapchat refused Facebook’s offer worth billions of dollars because the company feels as if in the future, they could be worth even more than the billions offered.  Their major backer, Benchmark Capital, was especially happy about this decision because of their previous disappoint with their investment in Instagram, who decided to sell to Facebook for a mere one billion last year.  Benchmark believes that SnapChat can survive as a stand-alone company and therefore should maintain its independence.

SnapChat started in 2011 by Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy, and is a service that lets users send videos and pictures that disappear after a certain length of viewing time.  This service looks to have a bright future as it offers a new, fun way for people to communicate with each other.  Spiegel and Murphy are entrepreneurs that have created a “vitamin” product that adds enjoyment to consumer’s lives (as opposed to alleviating a need as “painkillers” would).  They have also discovered an innovative way for users to maintain privacy in their communication, by allowing the pictures and videos to disappear.  Rejecting Facebook was a big, intelligent step towards establishing their autonomy in the social communication market.  David (Snapchat) seemingly showed Goliath (Facebook) who’s boss… yet again!







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