From E-mails to E-Smoking?

E-cigarettes are an interesting substitute that not only rivals products such as Nicorette or other nicotine-filled chewing gums, but also rival the traditional cigarette.  It is a very efficient substitute as e-cigarettes are less harmful in that they do not contain tobacco and they are cost-efficient, as you only have to buy the one e-cigarette as opposed to continuously purchasing packs of the traditional cigarette.


Clarence Lam’s blog post “Technological Advances: Electronic Cigarette” caught my attention because I thought that the e-cigarette was such a brilliantly designed product.  It is a safer replacement for the average cigarette and it can also be used as a stepping-stone towards quitting smoking.  I thought that Clarence’s point about cigarettes becoming obsolete with the introduction of the advanced e-cigarette, was very probable.  With such a strong competitor in the market, cigarette companies definitely have a compelling threat to deal with.


Another reason this post caught my eye is because my aunt actually has her own e-cigarette.  She has been a dedicated chain smoker for many years and realizing that the result of smoking multiple packs per day may not be so pleasant, she decided to attempt to quit by using an e-cigarette instead.  Although this choice is not completely the outcome that I was hoping for, at least she is no longer smoking cigarettes that would potentially be more hazardous for her health.  I thank the e-cigarette for pushing my aunt a step towards the right direction!



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