Well it has been an eventful second week at my CFE school. This past week the school I am at participated in an Art For The Sky project. In addition to my placement school, 4 other schools participated making a total of 2500 people. There were a total of 4 elementary schools, as well as the high school these elementary schools feed into. Art For The Sky uses people to create art so it does not use resources. The artist creates an image and has people fill in the image, and then takes an aerial shot from the sky. The project focused on collaboration, interconnection, intention, and gratitude. I thought this was a great project to connect schools as well as to focus on human impact on the environment.
In addition to the Art For The Sky project, I also spent my second week practicing TTOCing various grades and working in the school library. I have really enjoyed both of these activities. Practice TTOCing has been a good experience as I have really had to think on my feet, come up with fun activities, and learn a bunch of names in a very short time period. Further, my library experience has been fantastic. I really enjoy working in the library and I have found many great books along the way. I now understand how books are cataloged and organized. I was also able to see all the grade groups come in and plan lessons for most of the grades.
I am looking forward to week 3 of my CFE!