Today I was back in the classroom with my wonderful Grade 2 students! They just completed their summative activity yesterday, which consisted of creating a treasure map for their Grade 7 buddies. The Unit of Inquiry theme has been ” Where we are in place and time” with the central idea “Navigation provides information.” As I stated in my week 1 of 2 blog post, I had the opportunity to be present for a great provocation at the beginning of this Unit. Although I was not present yesterday for their summative, they are now onto reflecting on the Unit they just completed, and I was able to participate in this reflection today. My morning message was a connection question. Please note: “Connection” is one of the key concepts in the IB PYP program. Thus, participating in this morning message was of particular importance to me as just earlier this week my UBC EDUC 490k class was working on the PYP key concepts! I am feeling like my UBC schooling and what I am seeing in the classroom are really blending together, and my learning is being enhanced when this is occurring. I am starting to see the big picture, parts of it anyways, of the PYP program and how it plays out in schools. Further, I got to see how the students responded to such connection questions. I can see how connection is a key concept and it digs deeper into a student’s knowledge. *Please see pictures of the morning message and student responses below.
In addition to the morning message, I set up the new Unit of Inquiry wall. The new Unit of Inquiry is ” How was express ourselves” with the central idea being “Imagination inspires creation.” Doesn’t this sound like a great Unit?! I also related the set up of this new wall to what I have been learning. There are three key questions in this unit, and I had to figure out which key concept they related to. Thus, I was putting my knowledge from earlier this week into action. Needless to say, although I am sad this past Unit has ended, I am very excited to see what is to come for this next Unit of Inquiry into imagination!