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And onto our next U of I!

Today I was back in the classroom with my wonderful Grade 2 students! They just completed their summative activity yesterday, which consisted of creating a treasure map for their Grade 7 buddies. The Unit of Inquiry theme has been ” Where we are in place and time” with the central idea “Navigation provides information.” As I stated in my week 1 of 2 blog post, I had the opportunity to be present for a great provocation at the beginning of this Unit. Although I was not present yesterday for their summative, they are now onto reflecting on the Unit they just completed, and I was able to participate in this reflection today. My morning message was a connection question. Please note: “Connection” is one of the key concepts in the IB PYP program. Thus, participating in this morning message was of particular importance to me as just earlier this week my UBC EDUC 490k class was working on the PYP key concepts! I am feeling like my UBC schooling and what I am seeing in the classroom are really blending together, and my learning is being enhanced when this is occurring. I am starting to see the big picture, parts of it anyways, of the PYP program and how it plays out in schools. Further, I got to see how the students responded to such connection questions. I can see how connection is a key concept and it digs deeper into a student’s knowledge. *Please see pictures of the morning message and student responses below.

In addition to the morning message, I set up the new Unit of Inquiry wall. The new Unit of Inquiry is ” How was express ourselves” with the central idea being “Imagination inspires creation.” Doesn’t this sound like a great Unit?! I also related the set up of this new wall to what I have been learning. There are three key questions in this unit, and I had to figure out which key concept they related to. Thus, I was putting my knowledge from earlier this week into action. Needless to say, although I am sad this past Unit has ended, I am very excited to see what is to come for this next Unit of Inquiry into imagination!


Original morning message.


Morning message after corrections.


A student responds to the morning message.


Previous U of I wall.


New U of I wall.

Week 2 of my 2 week practicum


Well my two week practicum ended today and it’s back to school for me next week. What an interesting two weeks I’ve had! During the second week I was given various opportunities to teach in the classroom. I continued on with my small group novel study this week and almost all of the students have now finished the book. This experience was very beneficial as I got to work closely with a group of students and see them grow in such a short period of time. In addition to the novel study, I taught the morning messages, as well as ran the weekly spelling test. With regards to full lessons, I taught a math lesson, an inquiry lesson, and a P.E. lesson. From the math lesson I got to see how much preparation goes into one lesson and I received some great feedback as to what I can improve on. The inquiry lesson I taught was on the provinces and territories of Canada where I took the class on a “bus trip” across the country followed by the students making their own maps based on the mapping criteria we created last week. This lesson went surprisingly well and the students and I had a great time. I also taught a P.E. lesson which was a reality check into how challenging teaching P.E. can be. During the P.E. lesson I was teaching the students ball skills (underhand and overhand) and I was finding that I was talking for quite a bit of it. I would like to work on this and research ways to maximize student activity while delivering a fundamental movement skills lesson.
In addition to the teaching I did, this week allowed me to learn more about the IB PYP program and to see IB throughout the students and the teachers. I saw a lot of the transdiciplinary theme occurring throughout the various lessons. For instance, during language arts, the students were reading about the provinces they have been studying in Inquiry. There was also a lot of Action that occurred this week in my class. The students are very excited about the current transdisciplinary theme and bring in items everyday to share. The use of the learner profile terms were also evident this week especially when a discussion was had about good decision making and how to know the difference between right and wrong. I was very impressed by my School Advisor as she can turn a negative conversation into a positive one using the learner profile. Moreover, it is good to see the information we have been taught so far at UBC about the IB program evident in the classroom. As I am gaining more insight into the IB program and how it is reflected in the staff and students I am understanding why we were told that IB is a way of life, and not an approach to teaching. I am hoping that I am reflecting the IB learner profile myself and being a good role model for my students.



Morning message mind map. The students recorded their mind map ideas in their Units of Inquiry books.


The Map of Canada I drew for our Inquiry lesson.


The bus we took to travel across Canada and the map each of the students filled out.


The Action wall.


The Remembrance Day Wreath.

A few photos from my first week of my 2 week practicum…


My first mapping lesson. The maps I made and showed the students to generate ideas about what an effective map is and has.


Novel Study with the students. Text: Frindle. Thinkmarks to enhance learning.



My morning message on Thursday. Uses our spelling words (we, navigation). Includes U of I.


After reading our morning message as a class, I gathered some ideas from the students before they fixed the message themselves.


The fixed morning message.

Princess Aurora taught the class on Halloween!


Week 1 of my 2 Week Practicum

I have just finished my first week of my full time two week practicum in my lovely Grade 2 classroom! During this week my class started their new Unit of Inquiry on the trans-disciplinary theme “Where we are in place and time.” The central idea in this unit is “Navigation provides information.” This has been a really exciting unit so far with the Grade 2 students. Our provocation began with scattering gold (chocolate) coins all over the gym floor, turning off the lights, and having the students use their flashlights to find the coins. I felt that this was a great introduction to the unit as the students were very engaged and were having a great time. We then had a group discussion in our room about their navigation to find the chocolates, then a general discussion on navigation. The students came up with very creative and intellectual ideas. All the students were actively involved, engaged, interested, and wanting to learn more. Some comments the students had involved people using the stars to navigate, boats using lighthouses to navigate, animals using their senses to navigate, and planes using towers to navigate. We also got into an interesting discussion about wifi and GPS. The students went home that day (Monday) and did a ton of research themselves, and came back the next day (Tuesday) ready to share and learn more. Over the entire week the students remained actively engaged with the topic of navigation. Each day there was at least one student who brought in an item to share with the class such as maps, and compasses. The topic of navigation was not only discussed during our Inquiry class, it was also included in our spelling words for the week, our morning messages, the students’ reading, and in general throughout the day. It even came up when we discussed trick or treating! During this first week I really got learn more about IB and got to see how IB can transform a classroom.



Incorporating our U of I into the Morning Message I wrote. Students must fix the spelling and answer the questions.


The fixed morning message.


Gathering some student ideas after reading the original morning message and before fixing and answering it.


My Thursday visits thus far…

Today was my third visit to my practicum classroom. I am absolutely loving the students I get to work with and my SA. So far I have had many opportunities to teach and participate in my grade 2 classroom. I have gotten the opportunity to create and try a math skip counting game using a crib board, I have gotten to do two read alouds of books that display the IB learner profile attributes (Sunday Chutney and Scaredy Squirrel), and I have been able to write and work through the morning message, as well as work on self-regulation with the students. I am also learning a lot about assessments as I have been lucky enough to do a few with the students on their reading and math. I have also included a picture from my PE team teach on Dance where we taught our class the cha cha slide.


PE Dance lesson team teach

2014-10-16 18.31.34

Read aloud at lunchtime to my awesome grade 2’s. Sunday Chutney.


Math game using a crib board. Read aloud of scaredy squirrel.
