3 SEO-Key Elements for Youtube

Having pointed out the importance and power of video marketing in earlier blog entries, I would like to focus on how to optimize video for search engines today. Due to the fact that Youtube is the most famous video website and a lot of companies have already established their own Youtube channel I will focus on SEO for Youtube. As with any other website SEO starts with identifying the right keywords. So always keep in mind that keyword research is a crucial step when it comes to SEO!

A video’s title should contain the keywords or keyword phrase chosen for which your business wants to get found. A good example provided by Mitchell Harper, co-founder of BigCommerce to illustrate how to design a good and effective “SEO-title” is the following: “Let’s say your company sells shoes and you just recorded and uploaded a video about “casual sneakers.” You want to use the phrase in the title twice to maximize SEO impact –- once at the front and once at the end, like this: “Casual Sneakers — How to Choose Casual Sneakers 101.”

The next point is the description that can comprise 2-3 sentences including the keywords or variations of keywords. It is also smart to include a link to your website in order to drive traffic back to your website. Make sure that CTA is on the page the link drives traffic to in order to reinforce desired conversions.

When we talk about SEO, tags always play an important role and SEO for Youtube is no exeption. It is most effective to add at least 5 keywords ad tags for your video that will help to associate your video with other tagged videos. As a result your video will be shown as a „related video“ and users that were originally watching a similar video might also click on your video resulting in additional views.

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