Yelling as a Type of Motivation?

Employees’ being yelled at in the workplace, is this a good motivator, or is it just hurting their abilities to work and also hurting the businesses “Organization Culture” at the same time? In a blog by Michael Schrage, he states that yelling should be viewed as nothing more than an extrinsic motivator in the workplace, and that it also ensures other workers will continue to do their jobs properly and efficiently because they will want to avoid being yelled at. Is extrinsic motivation of this level worth it or not?

Yelling at Employees,                        Right or Wrong?

There can be multiple views on the matter of using vocal aggression in the workplace, as it differs depending on the environment that it is used in. For instance a coach yelling at his players can be viewed as passion for the game. The Organizational Culture for a sports team however is very different to that of an office job.

I believe John Wooden, the legendary coach of UCLA said it best, “I never yelled at my players much. That would have been artificial stimulation, which doesn’t last very long. I think it’s like love and passion. Passion won’t last as long as love. When you are dependent on passion, you need more and more of it to make it work. It’s the same with yelling.”


99 Wisdoms from Wooden


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