Letter of Application

Dear ENGL 301 Colleagues:

Coming from an experienced background in many professional settings, I bring the necessary skills that would be an asset to the ENGL 301 writing team. With my previous education in Economics, I gained exposure to various business ventures that allowed me to hone my skills in communication, collaboration, and effectively using technical writing on a day-to-day basis. More specifically, these skills were the most profound in my internship with a sports agency firm, where I analyzed data, communicated my results to stakeholders, and consistently constructed detailed work documents. Since results are the most crucial factor in measuring success in sports, I had to be very clear about communicating my reports verbally and in writing. This has allowed me to gain strength in clear business writing and understand the value and overall stakes of effective communication, especially in a workspace that requires constant collaboration and teamwork.

I am the type of person who doesn’t stop until an answer is found. As a computer science student, I have acquired discipline and perseverance since computing relies on the user being patient and detail-oriented. For example, I was working on software projects that required hours of attention with no immediate solutions. However, I was determined to find a solution and make progress which was a goal I accomplished. 

Without a doubt, my writing skills can be improved. This stems from misunderstanding the subject or adapting to different business writing styles. I want to be a writer that can communicate my thoughts clearly and create a positive discussion that impacts the business in the right direction. Thus, I will put my utmost effort into asking questions for clarity and frequently converse with my colleagues, asking for feedback and bouncing ideas as I learn the best through peer interaction. I would love to get an opportunity to discuss the skills and experience I will bring in more depth.

I can be contacted through my email at dkim98@student.ubc.ca.


Daniel Kim

Technical Writing 301/Sept 2023

301 Daniel Kim Application Letter

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