Unit 2 Reflection

In this unit, there were two key learning goals emphasized. The two learning goals include building a professional social media presence with Linkedin and developing a formal report. In a professional setting, understanding the significance of these two skills, especially in the current digital age, will allow young professionals to progress and appear as quality candidates.

In creating a professional social media network, Linkedin has become one of the most prominent platforms (Suder, 2022). Linkedin allows users to connect on a global scale, which is a new revelation that was not available previously. As a result, candidates can now connect with professionals in a wide array of industries of their choice. However, this advantage also requires professionalism specific to an online setting. I came into this unit already having a Linkedin profile, but the lack of professionalism in my profile was highlighted in this course. For example, I was not keeping up with the most up-to-date information, not using action words, and was not being clear and precise with my descriptions. As I aspire to venture into the technology field, it is critical to construct a professional profile to demonstrate my employable skills and for recruiters to take my presence seriously. Through the Linkedin research process, I learned the best practices that need in a Linkedin profile. As a result, I have updated my descriptions using action words, joined professional organizations, and made my profile as straightforward as possible. 

The formal report was designed for students to acquire the skills to create an appropriate but effective formalized proposal and outline. Since the utilization of formal reports in a professional work setting, it is essential for students to have at least the baseline knowledge of constructing a working proposal that is feasible, well-motivated, researched, and organized. I approached the proposal with the idea of building my report based on what I have experienced and have frequently been discussing regarding the lack of affordability in transportation. This is an area I am passionate about as I am a frequent commuter that also recognizes the inflationary economy of expenditures surrounding goods and services. Thus, I created a proposal to assist students and staff affected by this trend. The remainder of the design process of creating an outline was similar to my previous experience creating reports and proposals during my internship. Using this comparable process, I described the motivation, clearly outlined all the necessary steps for the methodology, and drafted the deadlines for my findings and future work. With this experience, I am on the right track to gathering informative data and being able to suggest a meaningful change. 

During this unit, I recognized that I could improve my writing clarity. One of the general improvement themes I would get throughout the peer-review process is clarifying what I have written or described. I tend to write in long, descriptive, and compound-heavy sentences. As a result, my writing style can convolute the main point by confusing the reader about what they are reading. As I have been given this feedback in my written proposals, I am trying to structure my writing to be more concise and clear. Unit two has widened my perspective on professional writing as the scope of the application keeps getting bigger. There are many skills I still need to work on, but I am encouraged by the strides I have taken and will continue to take. 

Below, I have attached the peer review, revised proposal report, and outline.

Peer Review by Miranda Tang

Daniel Kim Formal Report Proposal (Revised)

Formal Report Outline


Daniel Kim


Suder, R. (2022, March 10). How to use linkedin effectively during your job search. TopResume. Retrieved March 6, 2023, from https://ca.topresume.com/career-advice/14-ways-to-leverage-your-linkedin-profile-during-your-job-search

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