Best Works

Here are my best works through the team in Engl 301. All of the assignments linked are revised.

Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

This assignment aimed to provide an audience with an understanding of a complex term using a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition. What I found most challenging about this assignment was avoiding using jargon. Finding laymen’s terms to explain a complex topic was a challenging but valuable skill to learn to know.

For revisions, I re-formatted the parenthetical definition, elaborated more on the expanded definition, and connected my visuals with my definition’s main body.

Here is the revised Definition Assignment: Revised Definition

Revised Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys

For the Formal Report Proposal, I was tasked to complete a Formal Report regarding a topic with a rising issue. The topic I chose was the rise in the cost of transportation. For this proposal, I conducted an anonymous survey, interviewed UBC as my primary data, and thoroughly incorporated literature journals and additional sources for my secondary data. I used the information provided and made suggestions. The revised Formal Report includes revisions I made that were provided in the Formal Report Proposal. The Progress Report with Surveys outlines the intended audience, the purpose, significance, objective, research plan with a tentative survey, and a schedule to stay on task.

In this assignment, I am confident in conducting future Formal Reports. With this Formal Report I completed, I acquired the skills such as writing in a professional tone, using concise writing techniques, creating surveys, and analyzing data while making complementary suggestions based on the results.

Here is the revised Formal Report Proposal: Revised Formal Report

Here is the revised Progress Report with Surveys: Revised Progress Report with Surveys

Revised Proposal Memo

The purpose of the proposal memo was to learn how to write an email memorandum to stakeholders professionally. For revision, I revised the email memo by not signing off on it.

Here is the revised Proposal Memo: Revised Proposal Memo

Revised LinkedIn Best practices memo

This assignment taught me the importance of using Linkedin. With social networks growing exponentially, Linkedin helps professionals grow their networks faster than ever. As a result, the Linkedin Best Practice Memo taught me the ten ways of maximizing Linkedin usage to support my professional career.

Here is the revised Linkedin Best Practice Memo: Revised Linkedin Best Practices Memo

Revised Memo to Evan Crisp

With this assignment, I wrote a Memo to Evan Crip regarding the information on writing with a “You Attitude” to improve writing emails. This assignment taught me lessons that I would be using in a professional setting. Thus, I enjoyed writing the Memo and will keep tabs on them as I progress in my career. Regarding revisions, I did not sign off on the Memo and changed the imperative verbs to ‘ing’ verbs.

Here is the Revived Memo to Evan Crisp: Revised Memo to Evan Crisp

Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report

This assignment aimed to review our teammate’s formal proposal draft. I thoroughly analyzed the document and made several recommendations.

My primary revision was making sure to remove as many pronouns as possible. With this change, it makes far more sense to address the peer-reviewed as a general audience so that it can be applied to various other applications.

Here is the Revised Peer Review of the Formal Report: Revised Peer Review of Formal Report