
English 301 is a course offering students to practice and hone the writing skills necessary in business, professional, and technical settings. Communication skills are critical in business and professional environments due to the numerous business integrations. For example, businesses collaborate through team projects, departments work alongside one another, and with frequent client meetings, a solid communication foundation is crucial to a business’s overall efficiency and effectiveness.

English 301 offers numerous practical opportunities to practice communication skills. For example, students will practice developing and designing an online portfolio that includes references and resumes, engaging in online discussion boards, peer reviewing, and analyzing documents in a business, professional, and technical context. These tasks will give me and everyone in the class the chance to hone their professional communication skills and motivate us to become the most proficient technical communicators.

My expectation for this course is to use all the resources given in this course and apply them as often as I can. As I progress through this course and apply what I will learn, I am confident that I will refine my skills in communication and motivate me further to acquire new strategies and techniques in writing, discussing, and analyzing technical contexts.