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Self-Assessment Reflection

Throughout the term, I had the opportunity to learn new concepts regarding the principles of professional writing. 

One of the key aspects of the course was learning about technical writing practices such as proposals, reports, and the preparation of abstracts. I now understand the importance of these practices in the professional and technical environment. For instance, through proposals and reports, I can present my ideas and research clearly and concisely so that my peers and colleagues easily understand. The preparation of abstracts also allows me to summarize my work and key findings, which is crucial when presenting my work to an audience.

Reflecting on my web folio design, I am confident I have organized a clean, simple-to-navigate, and user-friendly layout. The design is minimal yet portrays all the key information that is necessary to highlight my strengths in the professional and technical environment. Additionally, white space contrasts the viewers and makes navigating through my web folio easy for them. It is essential to have a user-friendly and simplistic design that showcases the material without requiring the reader to dig around to find it.

A beneficial aspect of the course was the peer review assignments, which allowed for critical analysis and the application of concepts learned to suggest improvements to peer writing assignments. Through the feedback received from my peers, I realized that I could be overcritical at times or lacking in detail. However, I learned to implement simple definition techniques to provide further details without spending too much time explaining ideas outside the key research objective. It was essential to provide constructive ideas that allowed the reader to perceive the writing in the intended sense and follow through with the recommended suggestions of the report.

Moreover, the peer-reviewing aspect of my writing has significantly improved throughout the term. It allowed me to develop a critical, concise, and simple mindset, which can be applied to further tasks outside of peer-reviewing writing assignments. The ability to pose the right question and focus on the target reader when writing is crucial in technical settings, emphasizing communication when working with other professionals.

The skills gained through this course will build a strong technical component of communication that will be required in technology and finance. As my interest fall under the industry of technology and finance, it will be crucial to demonstrate the ability to communicate concisely with respect to drafted software design and its implications to financial concepts. Additionally, the ability to analyze and explain why a program functions the way it does is important, as is the ability to market oneself as the best candidate for job applications. 

Finally, working alongside my team members from Segfault was an enjoyable and valuable experience. I appreciate the efforts and feedback from all the contributing members of the Engl 301 community and the support from our instructor, Professor Erika Paterson. I plan to continue refining my technical writing skills and use them daily as I progress in my career.

Unit 4 Reflection

The web folio has become an essential tool for students to showcase their achievements and progress throughout a course, and it can serve as a powerful tool in the professional world. Through this platform, students can exhibit their growth in writing, critical thinking, and other skills they have acquired. The web folio is not just a record of accomplishments but also a tool that demonstrates one’s ability to create a user-friendly experience.

As I built my web folio, I prioritized the needs of my readers, keeping in mind that they should be able to navigate it effortlessly. I used visuals and clickable links to create an engaging and interactive experience. My focus was to make the content easily accessible to the reader so that they could easily explore my web folio. This approach was beneficial to me because it made my content more visible, and it could be accessed by anyone interested in learning more about me.

The most significant advantage of the web folio is that it allows students to showcase their professional skills, making them more marketable to employers. By putting the time and effort into developing and refining their web folio, students can demonstrate their attention to detail, creativity, and passion for their work. Employers can use the web folio as a tool to evaluate candidates’ strengths and suitability for a particular role.

In conclusion, the web folio is a valuable tool for students and professionals alike. It is a platform for students to showcase their growth and accomplishments, and it provides a medium for professionals to demonstrate their skills and marketability. By designing a web folio that is user-friendly and visually appealing, students can make a positive impression on potential employers and stand out in a competitive job market.

Unit 3 Reflection

During this unit, I had the opportunity to conduct analytical research and write a formal report on a topic I encounter daily. Furthermore, I continued to develop my peer-reviewing skills by reviewing Terry’s formal report. 

During the formal report process, there were areas that I learned that are going to be invaluable as I grow as a person working in a professional setting. An important lesson I learned was creating a responsive survey encompassing professionalism, being concise, and being directive. For example, I faced trouble making sure the questionnaire I started was not leading questions, biased, or argumentative. I overcame this lesson by concentrating on the question’s phrasing, such as eliminating leading statements, making assumptions, or pre-answering the question in the questionnaire. Another lesson I learned was being more cautious with my limited time interviewing professionals for my formal report. With better time management, I am confident that I could have conducted an in-person interview with either the AMS Council Committee or Dr. Deborah Buszard and performed a more in-depth analysis of transportation costs increasing and UBC’s perspective.

With the conclusion of unit 3 and the formal draft report, I recognized that there is an expansive list of ideas I could have written about. However, the important aspect is finding credible primary and secondary sources that constructively contribute to my claims, leading to the most effective method possible. Along with these factors, it is also essential to plan and organize. For this report, I made it my priority to plan and organize my report to prevent veering off-topic. Moving forward, I plan to refine my results to meet the requirements of the report.

In the peer-review process, I made sure my partner had a solid design plan and constructively commented on ways to improve the overall layout of the sections. These aspects included having moved certain areas before or after others, potentially including another key target audience, and incorporating fine print of the location of images. As this portion of the report was only a draft, there were undoubtedly elements for further improvement. However, Terry’s formal report draft has its main foundations and is on-track to present solid findings.

Overall, this unit enhanced my research, writing, peer-reviewing, and interviewing skills. Not only are these skills vital for professional settings, but they will also present themselves well as I continue on my journey. Applying the lessons I learned in this unit will enrich my experience and others, which excites me.

Here is a link to my Formal Report Draft: Daniel Kim Formal Report Draft

Unit 2 Reflection

In this unit, there were two key learning goals emphasized. The two learning goals include building a professional social media presence with Linkedin and developing a formal report. In a professional setting, understanding the significance of these two skills, especially in the current digital age, will allow young professionals to progress and appear as quality candidates.

In creating a professional social media network, Linkedin has become one of the most prominent platforms (Suder, 2022). Linkedin allows users to connect on a global scale, which is a new revelation that was not available previously. As a result, candidates can now connect with professionals in a wide array of industries of their choice. However, this advantage also requires professionalism specific to an online setting. I came into this unit already having a Linkedin profile, but the lack of professionalism in my profile was highlighted in this course. For example, I was not keeping up with the most up-to-date information, not using action words, and was not being clear and precise with my descriptions. As I aspire to venture into the technology field, it is critical to construct a professional profile to demonstrate my employable skills and for recruiters to take my presence seriously. Through the Linkedin research process, I learned the best practices that need in a Linkedin profile. As a result, I have updated my descriptions using action words, joined professional organizations, and made my profile as straightforward as possible. 

The formal report was designed for students to acquire the skills to create an appropriate but effective formalized proposal and outline. Since the utilization of formal reports in a professional work setting, it is essential for students to have at least the baseline knowledge of constructing a working proposal that is feasible, well-motivated, researched, and organized. I approached the proposal with the idea of building my report based on what I have experienced and have frequently been discussing regarding the lack of affordability in transportation. This is an area I am passionate about as I am a frequent commuter that also recognizes the inflationary economy of expenditures surrounding goods and services. Thus, I created a proposal to assist students and staff affected by this trend. The remainder of the design process of creating an outline was similar to my previous experience creating reports and proposals during my internship. Using this comparable process, I described the motivation, clearly outlined all the necessary steps for the methodology, and drafted the deadlines for my findings and future work. With this experience, I am on the right track to gathering informative data and being able to suggest a meaningful change. 

During this unit, I recognized that I could improve my writing clarity. One of the general improvement themes I would get throughout the peer-review process is clarifying what I have written or described. I tend to write in long, descriptive, and compound-heavy sentences. As a result, my writing style can convolute the main point by confusing the reader about what they are reading. As I have been given this feedback in my written proposals, I am trying to structure my writing to be more concise and clear. Unit two has widened my perspective on professional writing as the scope of the application keeps getting bigger. There are many skills I still need to work on, but I am encouraged by the strides I have taken and will continue to take. 

Below, I have attached the peer review, revised proposal report, and outline.

Peer Review by Miranda Tang

Daniel Kim Formal Report Proposal (Revised)

Formal Report Outline


Daniel Kim


Suder, R. (2022, March 10). How to use linkedin effectively during your job search. TopResume. Retrieved March 6, 2023, from

Unit 1 Reflection

One of the most underrated skills working professionals have is the ability to explain complex terms in a digestible manner to individuals who are not familiar with them. Breaking down complex words can be very challenging; not only does it require sophistication, patience, and expertise, but communicating effectively and in writing plays crucial roles in explaining complex terms to non-technical readers. 

What I learned from my original writing of my complex term, opportunity cost, was the urge not to use similar words adjacent to my complex term. I found this problematic since “opportunity cost” is not the most intuitive term to read. With my background in economics and finance, the concept of opportunity cost was one of the more complicated terms to learn and apply, and it took years of learning the core principles of behavioral economics to grasp my complex term fully. I believe that this is where I could have improved. My goal should have been more focused on scoping down the complex term and using simpler words that don’t lead the reader to more questions. Furthermore, I should have also put myself in the shoes of a non-technical person seeing “opportunity cost” for the first time. This alternative method might have put me in a better mindset to use more regulatory words and leverage my expertise in explaining it.

As a peer reviewer, my approach to reviewing Miranda’s complex term was going in with an open mind and excitement to learn something new. While editing Miranda’s complex word, “The Control-Value Theory of Achievement Emotions,” I learned the multi-faceted levels of emotions and their flows and cycles relating to appraisals, environment, and goals. I found it interesting to see how my classmates took their approach to define complex terms. Miranda seems to be an expert in this field and within the topic of emotions, as Miranda’s description was easily digestible, simple, and precise. Reading Miranda’s definition inspires me to explain complex problems more straightforwardly rather than overcomplicate the issue. For example, asking myself, “is this going to make sense when they read this even if they don’t have any prior knowledge?” or “is the person reading going to understand the main idea quickly, or is it going to be too difficult?”. These are the questions I want to ask myself, as this will help me provide the best feedback possible. 

From my previous experience, making it perfect on the first try is very difficult. However, with my peers’ help, I received constructive feedback on improving my definition further. The central aspect I learned from the editing process was the importance of having another eye and perspective reading my work. Despite going through the editing phase, I was bound to miss a mistake. As a result, having a peer review my work with a fresh eye, the chances of catching a mistake, changing the writing flow, or implementing value-added additions can drastically improve the quality of my work, and learn from their suggestions. The feedback helped clarify my thought process as I feel more confident making changes that reflect a more concrete and precise definition. The editing process is an opportunity to learn, an experience I am grateful for and will leverage as I grow my technical writing skills. 

With technical writing integrated with almost all aspects of a professional setting, clearly defining complex definitions, peer reviewing, and reflecting on the experiences are vital to improving as a professional. These skills will always be prevalent in everyday life, so developing these skills was valuable. In the future, I am confident that I will use what I learned from this lesson and become the best technical writer I can be. 

Here below is the revised definition:

Revised Definition – Daniel Kim

Miranda’s Suggestions

Team Request Email #3

To: Terry Chou

From: Daniel Kim

Date: February 1st, 2023

Dear Terry Chou, 

Hi Terry, I hope your day is going well. I am reaching out regarding your application to join a writing team. I came across your application, and I am confident you are a good match to join me in forming a professional writing team. 

Your diverse background and experiences caught my eye as I see great value in having a team that brings unique perspectives. I also have taken a non-traditional path to computer science, similar to why you switched. My curiosity about computing and eagerness to learn this skill and applying to the ever-growing technology industry motivated me to pursue computer science. Your desire to further your studies, dedication, and perseverance in pursuing an entirely new field demonstrates the traits I want in my team. Furthermore, your teaching experience as a TA will be invaluable as this shows remarkable time management and practical communication skills, which will benefit the team. 

Please let me know if you would like to discuss this position further. I look forward to continuing our conversation concerning you joining me.


Daniel Kim

301 Daniel Kim Application Letter

Team Request Email #2

To: Miranda Tang

From: Daniel Kim 

Date: February 1st, 2023

Dear Miranda, 

Hi Miranda, I am reaching out regarding your application to join a writing team. After reviewing your application, I formally invite you to join me in forming a professional writing team. 

I was impressed with your application as you have a wide array of skills and experience that would benefit the team. The combination of your writing skills, interests, emphasis on team-oriented problem solving, and overall portfolio excites me to collaborate with you on the Professional Writing Team. Our backgrounds and work habits will complement each other well, as I share similar expectations and emphasis on teamwork.

Please let me know if you like to discuss this position further. I look forward to continuing our conversation concerning joining me.


Daniel Kim

301 Daniel Kim Application Letter

Team Request Email #1

To: Yiyu Li

From: Daniel Kim 

Date: February 1st, 2023

Dear Yiyu Li, 

Hi Yiyu, I hope your day is going well. I am reaching out regarding your application to join a writing team. I came across your application, and I am confident you are a good match to join me in forming a professional writing team. 

Your diverse and unique background will be a great asset to the team, as you will provide valuable perspectives and a unique way of thinking to the team. We share an interest in furthering the technology industry, as technology is an ever-growing field that will impact our community regularly. Your eagerness and passion for utilizing the skills you have learned from nursing in the technology field show initiative, creativity, and cohesiveness, which are aspects I am excited about the prospect of you joining my Professional Writing Team.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss this position further. I look forward to continuing our conversation concerning you joining me. 


Daniel Kim

301 Daniel Kim Application Letter

Email Memorandum

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Technical Writing Instructor

From: Daniel Kim, ENGL 301 Technical Writing Student

Date: January 25th, 2023

Subject: Writing Team Application Letter

Please find this as an update to my application letter to join the ENGL 301 Professional Writing Team. 

In summary, my attached application describes the following:

  • A description of my education and professional background
  • Interest in the professional writing team
  • My approach to learning 
  • Strengths and weaknesses in terms of technical writing

Please let me know if any additional information is required.

301 Daniel Kim Application Letter

Letter of Application

Dear ENGL 301 Colleagues:

Coming from an experienced background in many professional settings, I bring the necessary skills that would be an asset to the ENGL 301 writing team. With my previous education in Economics, I gained exposure to various business ventures that allowed me to hone my skills in communication, collaboration, and effectively using technical writing on a day-to-day basis. More specifically, these skills were the most profound in my internship with a sports agency firm, where I analyzed data, communicated my results to stakeholders, and consistently constructed detailed work documents. Since results are the most crucial factor in measuring success in sports, I had to be very clear about communicating my reports verbally and in writing. This has allowed me to gain strength in clear business writing and understand the value and overall stakes of effective communication, especially in a workspace that requires constant collaboration and teamwork.

I am the type of person who doesn’t stop until an answer is found. As a computer science student, I have acquired discipline and perseverance since computing relies on the user being patient and detail-oriented. For example, I was working on software projects that required hours of attention with no immediate solutions. However, I was determined to find a solution and make progress which was a goal I accomplished. 

Without a doubt, my writing skills can be improved. This stems from misunderstanding the subject or adapting to different business writing styles. I want to be a writer that can communicate my thoughts clearly and create a positive discussion that impacts the business in the right direction. Thus, I will put my utmost effort into asking questions for clarity and frequently converse with my colleagues, asking for feedback and bouncing ideas as I learn the best through peer interaction. I would love to get an opportunity to discuss the skills and experience I will bring in more depth.

I can be contacted through my email at


Daniel Kim

Technical Writing 301/Sept 2023

301 Daniel Kim Application Letter