Is Bell Misusing MIS?

Bell has announced the tracking of customers’ usage (from calls to search engine entries)1 in order to render their advertisements more precise and fitting to specific customers. A representative stated that they are “looking to make online advertising that mobile customers already see more relevant to them”2.

This is a large step for mobile and online service providers, as they are able to use the information technology and systems available to them to track clients’ usage to maximize advertising efficiency. This can be beneficial to already bombarded customers, as they will be surrounded by advertisements that are relevant to their habits and interests.

However, customers are worried that this information can be accessed by law enforcement and intelligence agencies. This retaining of details also poses problems, as many potent and capable individuals are able to enter Bell’s systems to obtain very personal information.

The many unanswered questions and continuous scrutiny about the veritable safety of the retention of highly personal information may block Bell from efficiently producing their intended goal. Without further confirmation on the security and procedure of information retention, Bell will only be instigating uproar among loyal customers and influential company and professional peers.







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