Managing by Monitoring

With the available abundance of technology, employers are making efficient use of the innovation within their businesses and outside of their buildings.

Thoughts about privacy invasion and anxiety by being tracked by an employer are inevitable and predictable. However, such methods are clearly efficient in managing employees and their work habits. By tracking offsite workers with GPS applications on their phones, companies see growth in safety, productivity and honesty. Video surveillance has also helped in decreasing employee thieving and in increasing employee performance.

What makes this method effective is the ‘fear’ instilled within the employees. Upon learning of surveillance, employees are motivated to work harder and to stay on task in order to retain their employment.

Employers, too, take part in revamping perspectives in the workplace: they are to be honest with their employees while creating a trusting environment with newly implemented technology. Owners must keep promises with employees of the limitations of surveillance and also be genuine with their intentions. Employees will then be open to the monitoring of their location and trust that employers will not be using it for manipulation. By continually promoting an honest workplace, workers are inclined to improve behavior and views on their job.





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