
Tide Total Care: Proctor & Gamble Re-Position Detergent Market Leader to Solidify Future Success

October 5th, 2010 · No Comments

Proctor & Gamble innovated brand management when they released Tide to the laundry soap market in 1946. They created a new kind of product, laundry detergent, and thus positioned Tide as the first, and the leader, in the newly created market of laundry detergent. Flash-forward sixty-four years, and Tide laundry detergent is still positioned as the most popular brand of detergent in North-America.

So why re-position an industry leader? Following the 2008 world economic crisis, consumers became more frugal. To appeal to this growing, new demographic of consumers, Tide launched Tide Total Care. The detergent was initially targeted to the fashion adept by promising that Total Care preserves clothing better than competitors. However, Proctor & Gamble knew that Total Care, more importantly, would appeal to the thrifty consumer because of the promise of the product allowing the consumers to stretch the lifespan of their wardrobe.

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Proctor & Gamble continually prove that effective brand management is essential in competitive marketplaces. Playing off Tides position as number one in consumers’ minds, P&G introduce new products to appeal to a broader range of buyers, and in doing so, solidify their position as industry leader. If  P&G can keep this up, their future success as a business is a cinch.

Daniel Boissonneau-Lehner


Tags: Comm101-103

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