Monthly Archives: September 2013

The Human Cost of Economic Success

When it comes to creating a balance between ethics and success’ in the business world, it can be difficult to draw the line between what’s right and what’s wrong. Finding balance can certainly be a daunting task, one that many companies face. “Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline” (ENGP) is such a company.  Struck with a seemingly brilliant, 5.5 billion dollar project to help Canada’s economy, EMGP is faced with major controversy. Even though the pipeline would be a huge economical success providing the country with thousands of new possible employments and enabling them entry to booming and growing international markets, this does not come without sacrifice. The oil pipeline, which will stretch from the quaint town of Kitimat, British Columbia to the other side of the country, will disrupt the lives of many who’s town’s will suddenly become a route for this massive channel. It will also have a mass affect on our environment. This pipeline has the potential to cause oil spills, earthquakes (as it travels right though dangerous zones) and could irreparably harm many of Canada’s beautifully preserved natural habitats. So which side wins? How do you know what’s worth sacrificing? I believe it all depends on the situation, yet if a company finds themselves affecting more lives negatively then they are enhancing, there is something wrong. In this situation it is crucial to take every factor into account.  It is also essential to have a well thought-out plan and to take precautions for every possible scenario.

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