Are E-Cigarettes Worth The Health Risks?

According to the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation, smoking contributes to more than 37,000 deaths a year in Canada.  Furthermore, second hand smoke causes at least 800 deaths annually in Canadian non-smokers, as it causes lung cancer and heart disease.  Smoking is serious health concern, and the fact that it continues to cause this many deaths shows that we as a nation need to make an even greater change. Since smoking is highly addictive, it is very challenging to try to get a person to stop smoking. It is crucial to educate as many citizens as possible about the horrors and life changing effects smoking can have on a person, but it is also important to help those who are needing support and want to make a change. E-Cigarettes are electronic cigarettes that offer nicotine addicts a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes. Unfortunately, according to Christian Noel’s blog, E-Cigarettes are unsafe. Even though they help smokers quit smoking, they could potentially become more popular then regular cigarettes and cause similar health risks. Will the overall outcome of this change increase health or continue to decline it? Furthermore, E-Cigarettes could have discovered a hole in the market and, if successful, could make even more profits then cigarettes. This resurfaces a never-ending ethical dilemma when it comes to selling a product associated with cigarettes. Christian Noel stated, “Electronic cigarette manufactures need to address the responsibility they owe their consumers that electronic cigarettes are not a completely safe alternative to tobacco.” I totally agree with this statement and think that if it is established to the customer that it is not completely safe, yet will act as an alternative to tobacco.

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