Should Marijuana be Legalized?

The legalization and decimalization of marijuana has been a major point of controversy throughout our history. Many intellects and government officials have been discussed the positives and negatives of allowing the distribution of the drug, yet the argument is always perpetual; if legalized and decimalized, the industry would no doubt improve our economy. Yet, if left illegal, health and safety risk suffered by those who use marijuana, will stay less prevalent. On Sunday, September 29th, an article was published on entitled “Federal government launching $1.3-billion free market in medical marijuana”. The article explains that the conservative government has decided, to invest 1.3 billion dollars in the medical marijuana industry with the goal to provide 450 000 Canadians with a more reliable, healthy, good quality marijuana. The marijuana would be used primarily for those who suffer extremely painful deceases and need the drug to help elevate the pain.  Is this a step in the eventual legalization of this infamous drug? And how exactly will this have an effect on the Canadian Economy? Firstly, this advancement will provide more marijuana growers the opportunity to grow their weed legally; therefore, creating an increase in employment rates. There has already been 156 firms that have applied for producer and distributor status, and the government predicts a much more efficient distribution for the future. Furthermore, prior to this change, supply of this drug was significantly lower then the demand for it, thus creating excess demand. With this excess demand, the black market had a huge presence and illegals sales were extremely common. People are paying way more then the equilibrium price, meaning they are paying way more then necessary to satisfy the consumer and the producer. This change hopefully will bring the industry closer to its equilibrium price as well as eliminate some of the black market activity as well. There will always be controversy when it comes to marijuana and its legalization due to the different opinions surrounding the drug. If kept controlled and regulated, I believe that the legalization and the decimalization could assists the improvement in our economy; therefore, this advancement is simply a step in the right direction toward this.

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