Japan’s Anti-Piracy Law – Negative Impact

In response to Lou Lee’s blog on Japan’s new piracy law, I strongly disagree with both the new anti-piracy law and Lou Lee’s viewpoint of its effects in the future.  The law does not quite address the problem of the falling in music sales but will only worsen the problem.  The article states that “only one in 10 downloads are legally purchased” in Japan and an estimated “99% of all downloaded music is illegal” in China; however, it must be noted that not all these illegal downloads make up for the lost sales.  There are people I know with hundreds of illegally downloaded songs in their music players who said they would not purchase any of them if they were no longer free.  Also, even though labels may be against piracy, there are artists who love it because they yearn for exposure –  “The Pirate Bay has also proven to be a buffer of success for young, aspiring artists who are able to advertise for free on the website.”  These illegal downloads introduce people to music from new bands which will increase the band’s fan base and any sales regarding to concerts and merchandises.  I do not believe this law is good economically and socially because prison might be too much of a punishment for downloading music illegally.

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