Update on Foxconn, 4000 workers on strike

In an update to Kevin Yu’s blog on the unethical business practice in Foxconn, China Labor Watch reporting four days ago on October 5th 2012 that around 4000 Foxconn workers are on strike at the Zhengfou factory in China.  Kevin has mentioned “Foxconn has neglected the working conditions of its employees” to pursue maximum profit.  The atmosphere in Foxconn has suddenly escalated recently because of the demanding quality standards for the iPhone 5.  China Labor Watch has noted that “with such demands, employees could not even turn out iPhones that met the standard.”  Without receiving any necessary training, the workers are now under enormous pressure to deliver the iPhone 5’s.  I am not sure how effective the strike will be, because for every worker that are on strike, there are many other desperate Chinese that are looking for a job.  I also do not believe this news will receive much attention because people are already used to hearing poor working conditions in factories in China.  Apple also would not be impacted negatively by much in my opinion from this news because Apple is not the only big name that uses Foxconn, to name a few others: Sony, Microsoft, Amazon and Toshiba.  I think that even though 4000 Foxconn employees are now on strike, there won’t be much impact overall and the poor working conditions would not change and if they did, it would not be by much.

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