2:3 Reflections Blog for LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

In this photo illustration a LinkedIn logo of business and...

Process of researching to create a LinkedIn Profile

The process of researching how to create a LinkedIn profile was quite informative and made me reflect about my professional reputation. While looking through the best practices for using LinkedIn, I realized that the cultural traditions in social and professional communication has shifted drastically with the role of digital media in the modern age. This gave me a solid understanding of how to best use LinkedIn for professional gain.

For example, with the built-in recommendation systems LinkedIn provides, I advised that many LinkedIn users would find it in their best interest to update their profiles frequently in order to attract more employer viewership. The process of researching the LinkedIn best practices report gave me insight on how I can better improve my social media presence professionally and the information I gained while writing the report was beneficial to my own professional understanding of how employer/employee relationships can begin and prosper.

Process of brainstorming for the report proposal

As part of this current unit’s tasks, the process of writing the report proposal allowed me to reflect on topics that I personally went through during my first degree at UBC. This allowed me to speak from my personal knowledge of the systemic challenges of being a [former] UBC Arts student and taught me about the very specific details of how UBC’s financial budget works. As I began writing the outline for this report, I started to get a better understanding of the specific direction my report was going towards and it made me concretely sketch out a rough idea of how I was going to translate my message towards a non-technical audience.

Reflecting on my peer review for my partner’s proposal

After reading my partner’s proposal and creating a peer review for it, I began reflecting on how my writing can sound like to others. For example, after advising my to include concrete suggestions to solve their proposal’s issue, I realized that I would like my own proposal to include more concrete suggestions towards a possible solution to my report’s topic problem.

Peer reviewing has impacted my view on my own writing, and it gave me insights to how I could improve my writing style and clarification methods-such as giving more clarification on highly technical terms. The process of peer reviewing gives me more perspective on things I should and should not include in my own work.

Link to my revised report proposal: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2021wa/2021/10/15/assignment-21-research-proposal-for-a-formal-report-3/

Link to the Peer Review of my report proposal: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2021wa/2021/10/18/peer-review-assignment-2-1-formal-report-proposal/

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