Small Biz Looks to Twitter

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Have you ever thought about using Twitter to advertise your business? Recently, a family-owned Turkish restaurant in the gentrifying East London attracts lots of people. What first drew those people, though, wasn’t the food. It was the commentary on the restaurant’s Twitter feed. The restaurant’s uniqueness impressed many customers.

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This is just one successful case of using Twitter. The truth is small businesses, such as florists, pubs and restaurants can all make good use of the free and popular social media like Twitter-to spread their names.  Small business owners without a knack for writing punchy lines can hire someone to run their Twitter or Facebook accounts. They can also reach as many people as they want to attract. This can be considered as a good marketing strategy. The obvious upside is that it can easily build brand awareness. The followers of the Twitter account can all be potential customers. So seize the opportunity and allow Twitter lead you to success.

Wong, Kenneth, ed. Print.

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