Gender Stereotypes

by DanyangLiu

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Stereotypes often comes in mind when talking about certain jobs. For example, truck drivers is usually considered as a job for male, instead of female. However, this situation will be changed completely, because of the shortage in truckers.

The American Trucking Associations says the industry is short about 30,000 truckers nationwide. It expects that shortage to surge more than 200,000 truckers in the next decade. The industry is increasingly looking at other demographics — particularly women — to close that gap.

Gender stereotypes is not a issue that happen solely to truckers. The IT industries and the venture capital industries have long been monopolized by male. Not only is the percentage of males significantly higher, but also their treatments. Males have more advantage than females in a lot of industries. For example, they normally receive better salaries, and they can work more flexible.

Gender balance in industries also help with achieving gender equality beyond workplace. Sometimes females is lacking for confidence when it comes to speaking out their ideas, because they are the minority. This makes female the weaker ones comparing with males. Hence, if the stereotypes in industries can be minimized, it will solve or at least temporarily solve gender equality problems in workplaces.