by DanyangLiu

Everyday, we use the Internet to study, to do research, to use tools like connect and WeBWork. We also use it in our leisure time, to go on social networks, to chat with our families and friends, and to watch movies or listen to musics. The Internet is now a part of our daily life. It is hard to image our life without the Internet. However, the Internet is not accessible for two thirds of the world., a global partnership between technology leaders, nonprofits, local communities and experts, is aiming to change this situation.

Our plan is to make basic internet services affordable, so everyone with a phone can join the knowledge economy.

There is not need for me to list all the benefits this project can bring to people living in rural areas with no access to the Internet. What I want to focus on are the benefits to companies that participated in this project. Firstly, companies can have access to new markets. are aiming at countries and areas around the world with no access to the Internet, so when ever is introduced to a new countries, companies will have full access to a completely new markets, with high demand to most of their specially designed products. It will take a long time for companies who did not participate in this project to develop and introduce their products to those markets. Secondly, companies can build their reputation by joining this project. As a project that aimed to benefit the society, can be consider as an ethical business. Hence, joining this project will build the reputation for companies. Which will increase their customer loyalties and such.

To sum up my thoughts, I consider as a win-win project for companies and societies. It provide opportunities for people who have not access to the Internet yet, and it also provide benefits to companies participating in this project.